Welcome to easy_config’s documentation!

Parse configuration values from files, the environment, and elsewhere all in one place.

Supports Python 3.6 and later MIT License Develop Build Status Develop Test Coverage Develop Docs Status

On this page:


Installation should be as easy as executing this command in your chosen terminal:

$ pip install easy_config

The source code for this project is hosted on Github. Downloading and installing from source goes like this:

$ git clone https://github.com/scolby33/easy_config
$ cd easy_config
$ pip install .

If you intend to install in a virtual environment, activate it before running pip install.

easy_config officially supports Python 3.6 and later.

Example Usage

Here is a full working example of using easy_config. First, write your configuration class:

# config.py
from easy_config import EasyConfig

class MyProgramConfig(EasyConfig):
   FILES = ['myprogram.ini']
   NAME = 'MyProgram'  # the name for the .ini file section and the namespace prefix for environment variables

   # define the options like you would a dataclass
   number: int
   name: str
   check_bounds: bool = True  # options with defaults must all come after non-default options

A sample configuration file:

# myprogram.ini
# section name matches `NAME` from the configuration class
number = 3

And a sample program to illustrate the usage:

# test_config.py
import sys

from config import MyProgramConfig


Running this program with various options:

$ python test_config.py Scott
MyProgramConfig(number=3, name='Scott', check_bounds=True)

$ env MYPROGRAM_CHECK_BOUNDS=False python test_config.py Scott
# environment variable names are the all-uppercase transformation of the NAME concatenated with the option name and an underscore
MyProgramConfig(number=3, name='Scott', check_bounds=False)

$ env MYPROGRAM_NUMBER=10 MYPROGRAM_NAME=Charlie python test_config.py Scott
MyProgramConfig(number=10, name='Scott', check_bounds=True)

As you can see, values are taken in precedence, with arguments passed to load overriding values from the environment which, in turn, override values from configuration files.

Once you have the MyProgramConfig instance, you can use it just like any dataclass.

API Reference

Information about each function, class, and method is included here.


easy_config is licensed under the MIT License, a permissive open-source license.

The full text of the license is available here and in the root of the source code repository.


easy_config adheres to the Semantic Versioning (“Semver”) 2.0.0 versioning standard. Details about this versioning scheme can be found on the Semver website. Versions postfixed with ‘-dev’ are currently under development and those without a postfix are stable releases.

You are reading the documents for version 1.0.0 of easy_config.

Full changelogs can be found on the Changelog page.